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Synthetic Drug Detox in Orange County

    Synthetic drugs— a unique and challenging issue in the realm of substance abuse and detoxification.

    What Are Designer Drugs?

    Designer drugs, otherwise known as synthetic drugs, are chemically engineered substances that are created to mimic the effects of illegal drugs while circumventing existing drug laws. These drugs are designed to produce similar psychoactive effects as traditional illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, and more.

    There are two main types of synthetic drugs: synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. Street names for these common synthetic drugs include Spice, K2, Bath Salts, Ecstasy, Meow Meow, Flakka, and Molly.

    Synthetic Drug Detox

    A medically monitored approach is imperative with synthetic drug detox. Due to their novelty in the market, and due to an ever-changing composition, withdrawal symptoms are oftentimes severe and unpredictable. Common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety and panic attacks, changes in appetite and eating patterns, headaches, physical discomfort, and intense psychological cravings.

    There are currently no FDA-approved medications uniquely designated for the treatment of synthetic drug withdrawal; they are very new to the market. Due to this, a case-by-case approach is taken, with behavioral therapy, psychiatric services and a holistic approach towards treatment are generally parts of synthetic drug therapy.

    Medical assistance is ideal for managing the unpredictable nature of synthetic drug withdrawal and works towards leading individuals down the road of sobriety. Group counseling is also popular in addressing emotional responses to detox and planning ongoing treatment.

    Blue crystals in a petri dish, showcasing the synthetic drug compounds in a laboratory setting.

    Common Signs of Synthetic Drug Addiction

    • Taking more than intended
    • Lack of motivation towards previously enjoyed activities such as hobbies
    • A lowered performance at work or at school
    • A notable increase in inclination towards risk-taking behaviors
    • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms upon synthetic drug use stoppage

    Synthetic Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

    The withdrawal symptoms associated with synthetic drugs can vary depending on the specific drug and its effects on the body. Synthetic drugs encompass a wide range of substances, including synthetic cannabinoids (such as Spice or K2), synthetic cathinones (commonly known as bath salts), and synthetic opioids (like fentanyl analogs). Here are some common withdrawal symptoms associated with these types of drugs:

    Synthetic cannabinoids (Spice, K2):

    • Agitation and restlessness
    • Anxiety and panic attacks
    • Sweating and chills
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Headaches
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • Depression
    • Loss of appetite
    • Strong cravings

    Synthetic cathinones (bath salts):

    • Depression and dysphoria
    • Fatigue and lethargy
    • Anxiety and irritability
    • Intense drug cravings
    • Poor concentration and cognitive difficulties
    • Suicidal thoughts
    • Increased appetite
    • Insomnia
    • Paranoia and hallucinations (in severe cases)

    Synthetic opioids (fentanyl analogs):

    • Anxiety and restlessness
    • Muscle aches and pain
    • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
    • Sweating and chills
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
    • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
    • Dilated pupils
    • Depression and irritability
    • Intense drug cravings
    • Flu-like symptoms (runny nose, teary eyes, yawning)

    A willingness to accept synthetic drug detox treatment in Orange County, coupled with motivation towards it will be defining factors when it comes to overcoming synthetic drug addiction. Getting proper help is of paramount importance as addiction is more often than not extremely hard to tackle alone. It may even seem impossible, but with the proper help and guidance, anyone can overcome addiction.